Friday, October 9, 2009

Milkshake Contest

We don't often have friends over to visit. The kids make it a little harder as well as traveling every weekend when most people are off work and available to visit. Tonight, though, we invited a couple over to get to know them better. Andrea and I were friends in elementary school, actually. We have seen each other a few times over the years, but just since we moved home to Bellefonte, I have seen her a little more...mostly from attending the same Bible Study for Moms. We've also become friends on Facebook, so when I saw her status the other night (she reported she had just made the best peanut butter milkshake ever), I commented that Travis makes pretty good p. butter milkshakes too. We thought it would be the perfect time to set up a milkshake making contest after having dinner together =) It was great to meet Andrea's husband, Kevin, and spend some time getting to know their family. Samuel and Kara had a great time with their children, Kate and Christopher. We played puzzles and trains, watched Curious George and had the long-awaited "MILKSHAKE MAKING CONTEST"!! And the winner is........

(after blindfolding Sam for a taste test - wish I'd gotten a picture of that and getting Kate to taste both shakes - she wouldn't wear a blindfold....)



I guess congratulations are in order, since we heckled you guys all night about who would make the best shake! It must be because you bought the ice cream (unfair advantage) =) heehee

Thanks, Kevin and Andrea, for a really fun night!


Anonymous said...

We had a great time too! Thanks for having us over. :-)